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Appalachian Trail Day 55

by Krispy Kritter
05/30/2010 09:52:58 A.M.

It was Krispy Kritter's birthday today, happy birthday man!

May 30, 2010 – Day 55 - Sunday
Destination: Jennings Creek, Va 614
Starting Location: Wilson Creek Shelter
Today's Miles: 17.00
Trip Miles: 746.80

"Life is known only by those who have found a way to be comfortable with change and the unknown. Given the nature of life, there may be no security, but only adventure."
~ Rachel Naomi Remen

I wanted to be at Jennings Creek as soon as possible to enjoy the swim in the warmth of the sun. I left the shelter early and by 2:00 I was sitting on the rocky bank soaking my feet. While waiting for Sherpa, Dragon Tail, Red Stick and Two Rings I went for a swim in one of the deep pools. I met a couple there who were camping by the creek. They were going to the store and asked if I needed anything. Knowing thirsty hikers in the afternoon heat were approaching I said yes, a 12 pack of beer. Everybody showed up and the frolicking in the water began. Cooled down by the water temperature everyone sun bathed on the rocks and boulders of the creek. Boys being boys - we skipped stones across the water and built a dam using the rocks from the shore. Time got away from us and before we knew it 6:00 was approaching. We decided to stay and camp near the creek. The next site over was the couple who started a small fire. Another beer run was made and life was good in the woods. I got up to take care of my bladder and returned to the campfire. Sherpa and Dragon Tail are fussing over something on the other side of the fire pit. Suddenly Dragon Tail stands up and hands me a hiker birthday cake as everyone sings happy birthday to me. Today was my 60th. The hiker birthday cake was an example straight out of the pages of adapting, improvising and overcoming. It consisted of a Little Debbie Zebra Cake (a favorite) with a twig sticking out of the center. They put alcohol hand sanitizing gel on top of the twig and lit the gel as my candle. Out of the darkness, within minutes after receiving my cake, comes a hiker stating he heard someone was having a birthday. I looked up and my jaw dropped. It was Lint, who I hiked with for several hundred miles in '04. I was stoked! After my initial shock, Lint said he was thinking about coming in naked saying he couldn't afford a stripper or find one in the woods so he would be the show. Thank God he came to his senses and walked in fully clothed. It was good to see Lint and catch up on each others adventures. The party went on past midnight. I finally grabbed my sleeping pad and sleeping bag and cowboy camped by the fire.

You can check up on Wayne's almost daily progress at his Trail Journal.