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Follow Friday - The Gear Junkie

by The Brit
04/16/2010 02:18:56 P.M.

Every Friday on Twitter, I do a thing called "Follow Friday."  For Follow Friday I recommend people to those that follow me, that they should follow.  Really, it's just a publicity stunt for everyone in the world to follow everyone, but it does occasionally work when you stumble upon the cool people out there (a.k a. not Brittany Spear's twitter page).  So since I happen to do both Twitter and the Blog, I am going to start a "Follow Friday" on the blog.  Basically, I'm going to recommend, describe, and support a different blog I consistently read each week in an effort to expand your online outdoor reading.  So enjoy!

Week 1! - The Gear Junkie

The Gear Junkie, aka Stephen Regenold, founded a now very famous outdoors website.  The basic goal: review gear.  So it's an excellent blog to find, readup, and discover the new awesome gear out there.  He and his team do an amazing job of tracking down new products, little known products, and describing them so people like me, the average outdoorsmen, can understand how they will make me run faster or bike further.

Right now the man himself (Stephen Regenold) is on his way to Mt. Everest!  So it's especially exciting to follow his blog and read up on all the updates of his journey.  He's already reached base camp so catch up on all the reading here.

He even will talk a lot about gear we carry here in the store like the Vibram Fivefingers sprints.  He was given a pair to run in and found the barefooting experience the sprints gave him exhilarating.

Vibram Fivefingers Mens Sprints

I highly recommend The Gear Junkie.  It's one of my favorite sites and I always thoroughly enjoy reading it.

Follow the Gear Junkie's blog or twitter.

And if you want to read my Follow Friday post on twitter, go here!